Work-Based Training a Win for Job Seekers and Employers
Jerry was working at WKW Bowers Manufacturing Company when he was laid off due to downsizing. Jerry is an immigrant from Africa and found it difficult to find work. He has a background as a mechanical technician and had applied for jobs in this field. He didn’t receive any returned calls, so Michigan Works! Southwest staff contacted MG Beverages to inquire about open positions and offer the benefit of an on-the-job training (OJT) incentive, which they accepted. An OJT is a work-based training strategy available through Michigan Works! Southwest.
Jerry received personalized training on specific machines, which strengthened his Mechanical Technician skills through hands-on training and was provided consistent work due to high competence in the field. During his training, he learned much more than he could have imagined about beverage machines and how to maintain and repair them.
Jerry expressed his thanks for what Michigan Works! Southwest did for him, and he felt that without the intervention of an OJT he probably would not have received this job that pays $20/hour.
Some challenges Jerry faced was his lack of citizenship status and a lack of knowledge of specific beverage machines. He met some other roadblocks because other companies were unwilling to take a chance on him. Jerry has some background in mechanical maintenance; however, it is not specific to all the varieties of machines used through MG Beverage Systems Inc. By providing an OJT incentive, this allowed Jerry to receive the training needed and gave the company more incentive to hire him.