Michigan Works! Southwest Director Receives Christine Quinn Excellence in Leadership Award

The Michigan Works! Southwest team extends our congratulations to our director, Jakki Bungart-Bibb, on being awarded the Christine Quinn Excellence in Leadership Award at the Michigan Works! Annual Conference on September 11, 2023!

Christine Quinn was a champion for Michigan’s workforce in the U.S. Department of Labor and was a strong advocate for the system for decades. The Christine Quinn Excellence in Leadership award honors leaders in the Michigan Works! system who go above and beyond to benefit workforce development in Michigan.

Jakki began her engagement in the Michigan Works! System as a job seeker, and has had a lengthy career in workforce development, beginning in November of 1996. She began working for the W.E. Upjohn Institute in August of 2014 and entered her current position as director of Michigan Works! Southwest in November of 2021. Jakki has continued to scale the success of Michigan Works! Southwest and the Michigan Works! system as a whole. Her tenure has included the growth of the Neighborhood Employment HUBs, which has provided employment and training support for job seekers in Battle Creek. Jakki embodies the spirit and collaboration required for effective partnership, following along the path of many successful workforce development leaders that have come before her, such as Christine Quinn.

Congratulations, Jakki, Michigan Works! Southwest is grateful for your leadership and can think of no one more deserving of this award!