Duncan Aviation Receives Michigan Works! Employer of the Year Award
SOUTHWEST MICHIGAN – On Tuesday, September 10, Duncan Aviation received the 2024 Employer of the Year Award at the Annual Michigan Works! Conference. The Employer of the Year Award highlights a private sector employer that, in partnership with a Michigan Works! Agency, goes beyond the call of duty, continuously contributing to local job-placement, and promoting education to maintain a skilled workforce.
Duncan Aviation, the largest privately owned business jet service provider in the world, with a location in Battle Creek, MI, has proven to be a champion employer committed to job quality in Southwest Michigan.
“Duncan Aviation is a dedicated partner and community leader, and it has been my pleasure to work with their team throughout the years,” said Ashley Iovieno, Director of Business Solutions for Michigan Works! Southwest, “Duncan continues to demonstrate what it means to provide quality jobs with a strong and healthy culture for their employees. Congratulations, Duncan Aviation, I look forward to our continued partnership in the years to come!
Talent development is demonstrated through Duncan’s HR Manager, Liz Van Dussen’s representation on the Michigan Works! Southwest Workforce Development Board; extensive engagement by hosting numerous workforce development meetings at Duncan, along with providing company tours; and their involvement in numerous community initiatives to address workforce issues such as childcare and youth work experience.
A variety of career exploration strategies are utilized to support Duncan’s efforts in talent development, including a video created in partnership with Michigan Works! Southwest, highlighting careers in Information Technology at Duncan Aviation, participation in industry tours for students, and utilization of a flight simulator at MiCareerQuest™ and Manufacturing Day events to showcase the aviation industry. Alongside Michigan Works! Southwest and local training partners, Duncan Aviation has been an incredible work-based learning partner, and many local students have also benefitted from Duncan Aviation’s annual scholarship awards.
Equally important is Duncan Aviation’s relentless commitment to employee retention through their engagement in the Employer Resource Network®, helping employees navigate barriers affecting their work, and their investment in Pulse childcare initiatives to address the childcare crisis. Duncan Aviation has established relationships with multiple community groups, including Voces and the Burma Center, providing recruitment opportunities for employment, and lending expertise for the Burma Center’s Capital Campaign Committee.
Duncan Aviation and its employees have demonstrated commitment and leadership in the community by investing resources, time, and leadership where they live, work, and play.
About Michigan Works! Southwest (MWSW)
Michigan Works! Southwest serves the four-county area of Branch, Calhoun, Kalamazoo, and St. Joseph counties and is operated through the research-driven and longstanding pillar of workforce development, the W.E. Upjohn Institute. Michigan Works! Southwest strives to build connections between job seekers looking to grow their careers and employers seeking quality candidates with the necessary job skills. Michigan Works! Southwest stays abreast of employment trends and maintains critical relationships with community partners to ensure connections are made between employers, educators, trainers, and employees.